Xuzhou to Xingping Trains From €15.12

Xuzhou to Xingping Trains From €15.12

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Xuzhou to Xingping Train Prices and Times

Planning a trip from Xuzhou to Xingping? Trip.com offers prices starting from €15.12. To ensure you get the most affordable fares, we recommend purchasing a second-class seat on high-speed trains or a lower berth in a hard sleeper on regular trains. Additionally, consider exploring alternative options such as split ticketing to save more.
  • Sep 19
  • Sep 20
  • Sep 21
  • Sep 22
  • Sep 23
  • Sep 24
  • Sep 25
  • 19:47
    13h 13m, Direct
    Route Info
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Xuzhou to Xingping Route Details

The Xuzhou to Xingping train ticket is €15.12. The average travel time is 12h 26m. Approximately Around 2 trains are running daily from Xuzhou to Xingping. To plan your train journey in advance, please refer to our train route table.

First train
First train
Last train
Last train
Trains per day
Trains per day
Around 2
Shortest duration
Shortest duration
12h 26m
Train fares from
Train fares from
Business class
Business class
Not available
Sleeper trains
Sleeper trains

Choose Xuzhou to Xingping Train Ticket Types

  • Hard Seat

    Hard Seat

    Basic and least comfortable seating option. There is a small table between the seats and luggage racks above the seats

  • Soft Seat

    Soft Seat

    A more comfortable seating option than hard seats, equipped with adjustable backrests.

  • Hard Sleeper

    Hard Sleeper

    Basic sleeping berth, less privacy and comfort. The hard sleeper car is equipped with partitions, each containing 6 berths.

  • First Class Seat

    First Class Seat

    Offers extra comfort and space, ideal for trips under 5 hours. Equipped with adjustable backrests, some seats are rechargeable.

  • Second Class Seat

    Second Class Seat

    Standard seating, most economical for short journeys. The distance between seats is narrower than that between First and Business seats.

  • Business Class Seat

    Business Class Seat

    Premium seating with superior amenities. Equipped with sockets and can be adjusted to lie flat. Some stations offer business class VIP lounges.

  • Soft Sleeper

    Soft Sleeper

    Comfortable beds for overnight journeys. The soft sleeper car has private rooms, each with 4 berths.

  • Deluxe Soft Sleeper

    Deluxe Soft Sleeper

    More spacious and private sleepers with premium facilities. The box is a double room and equipped with a separate sofa & a separate toilet.

Train Travel Guide from Xuzhou to Xingping

Xuzhou to Xingping Train FAQs

  • What are the earliest and latest departure times from Xuzhou to Xingping?

    The earliest departure time from Xuzhou to Xingping is 00:48 and the latest departure time is 19:47.
  • How much does a train ticket from Xuzhou to Xingping cost?

    The price for train tickets from Xuzhou to Xingping starts at around €15.12. Train ticket prices tend to vary based on a few factors, such as the type of the train, the seat class. We recommend using Trip.com to find cheap train tickets for your next journey and booking online in advance.
  • Is there business class on trains from Xuzhou to Xingping?

    Yes, there is business class on trains from Xuzhou to Xingping, but not many seats are available. We recommend booking your ticket in advance on Trip.com.
  • What is the shortest duration for trains from Xuzhou to Xingping?

    The shortest train ride from Xuzhou to Xingping takes around 12h 26m.
  • How many trains travel from Xuzhou to Xingping per day?

    On average, around 2 trains travel from Xuzhou to Xingping per day between the times of 00:48 and 19:47.
  • Are there sleeper trains from Xuzhou to Xingping?

    Yes, there are sleeper trains from Xuzhou to Xingping. The duration is around 12h 26m hours.
  • What is the refund and change policy for tickets from Xuzhou to Xingping?

    Each ticket can only be changed once. However, for Hong Kong cross-boundary trains, the departure and arrival stations cannot be changed. After changing the date, refunds are not possible. Ticket change fees and fare differences depend on the final changes and railway administration announcements. We recommend allowing ample time to read the travel guide.