Hotels near Nanjing Railway Station

Hotels near Nanjing Railway Station, Nanjing

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Best Hotels near Nanjing Railway Station

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QIERMAN GARDEN HOTEL Hotels near Nanjing Railway Station
QIERMAN GARDEN HOTEL Hotels near Nanjing Railway StationQIERMAN GARDEN HOTEL Hotels near Nanjing Railway Station
7.47km from Nanjing Railway Station
酒店環境超棒,滿分推薦! 這次入住的酒店,環境真的讓我驚艷到不行! 一進入酒店大堂,那種寬敞明亮的感覺就撲面而來。大堂的裝修風格現代又大氣,地面一塵不染,光可鑒人。巨大的水晶吊燈璀璨奪目,把整個空間映照得格外華麗。休息區的沙發擺放整齊,柔軟舒適,坐上去彷彿一天的疲憊都瞬間消散。周圍的綠植佈置得恰到好處,為大堂增添了一份生機與活力,讓人感覺彷彿置身於一個小型的室內花園酒店環境超棒,滿分推薦! 這次入住的酒店,環境真的讓我驚艷到不行! 一進入酒店大堂,那種寬敞明亮的感覺就撲面而來。大堂的裝修風格現代又大氣,地面一塵不染,光可鑒人。巨大的水晶吊燈璀璨奪目,把整個空間映照得格外華麗。休息區的沙發擺放整齊,柔軟舒適,坐上去彷彿一天的疲憊都瞬間消散。周圍的綠植佈置得恰到好處,為大堂增添了一份生機與活力,讓人感覺彷彿置身於一個小型的室內花園。 房間的環境更是無可挑剔。推開門的那一刻,清新的氣息撲鼻而來,房間裏沒有一絲異味。床鋪整潔乾淨,床單被罩的質感非常好,摸上去柔軟順滑,躺上去就像被雲朵包裹着一樣,超級舒服😴。床頭的靠墊設計也很貼心,靠在上面看書或者看電視都非常愜意。房間的燈光設計也很合理,有多種模式可以選擇,無論是想要温馨的氛圍還是明亮的光線,都能輕鬆滿足。窗户很大,採光極佳,拉開窗簾,就能欣賞到外面美麗的景色。房間裏還配備了一台智能電視,操作簡單方便,頻道和節目資源也很豐富,可以讓你在閑暇時光盡情享受視聽盛宴。 衞生間的環境也非常好,乾淨整潔得讓人挑不出一點毛病。洗漱台枱面寬敞,擺放着各種精緻的洗漱用品,質量都很不錯👍。淋浴間的空間很大,噴頭的出水力度適中,水温調節也很方便,洗澡的時候感覺特別舒適。馬桶是智能的,功能齊全,使用起來非常方便衞生。衞生間裏還瀰漫著淡淡的香氣,讓人感覺格外清新舒適。 酒店的公共區域環境也非常出色。走廊裏安靜整潔,牆上掛着一些精美的藝術畫作,為整個空間增添了一份文化氛圍。電梯運行平穩,速度也很快,而且裏面打掃得很乾凈,沒有任何雜物。酒店的花園更是一大亮點,綠樹成蔭,花草繁茂,還有一個小型的噴泉,在陽光的照耀下,水花四濺,閃閃發光✨。在這裏散步或者休息,都讓人感覺非常放鬆和愜意。 酒店的周邊環境也很不錯,交通便利,附近有很多餐廳、商店和娛樂場所。無論是出去吃飯還是購物都非常方便。而且酒店的位置很安靜,晚上睡覺的時候不會受到外界的幹擾,能夠保證你有一個良好的睡眠質量😴。 總的來説,這家酒店的環境真的是非常好,無論是大堂、房間、公共區域還是周邊環境,都讓人感到非常滿意。如果你正在尋找一家環境優美、舒適宜人的酒店,那麼我強烈推薦你選擇這家酒店,相信你一定會在這裏度過一段愉快的時光!💖 房間的環境更是無可挑剔。推開門的那一刻,清新的氣息撲鼻而來,房間裏沒有一絲異味。床鋪整潔乾淨,床單被罩的質感非常好,摸上去柔軟順滑,躺上去就像被雲朵包裹着一樣,超級舒服😴。

GGuest User 2024.10.22
酒店環境超棒,滿分推薦! 這次入住的酒店,環境真的讓我驚艷到不行! 一進入酒店大堂,那種寬敞明亮的感覺就撲面而來。大堂的裝修風格現代又大氣,地面一塵不染,光可鑒人。巨大的水晶吊燈璀璨奪目,把整個空間映照得格外華麗。休息區的沙發擺放整齊,柔軟舒適,坐上去彷彿一天的疲憊都瞬間消散。周圍的綠植佈置得恰到好處,為大堂增添了一份生機與活力,讓人感覺彷彿置身於一個小型的室內花園酒店環境超棒,滿分推薦! 這次入住的酒店,環境真的讓我驚艷到不行! 一進入酒店大堂,那種寬敞明亮的感覺就撲面而來。大堂的裝修風格現代又大氣,地面一塵不染,光可鑒人。巨大的水晶吊燈璀璨奪目,把整個空間映照得格外華麗。休息區的沙發擺放整齊,柔軟舒適,坐上去彷彿一天的疲憊都瞬間消散。周圍的綠植佈置得恰到好處,為大堂增添了一份生機與活力,讓人感覺彷彿置身於一個小型的室內花園。 房間的環境更是無可挑剔。推開門的那一刻,清新的氣息撲鼻而來,房間裏沒有一絲異味。床鋪整潔乾淨,床單被罩的質感非常好,摸上去柔軟順滑,躺上去就像被雲朵包裹着一樣,超級舒服😴。床頭的靠墊設計也很貼心,靠在上面看書或者看電視都非常愜意。房間的燈光設計也很合理,有多種模式可以選擇,無論是想要温馨的氛圍還是明亮的光線,都能輕鬆滿足。窗户很大,採光極佳,拉開窗簾,就能欣賞到外面美麗的景色。房間裏還配備了一台智能電視,操作簡單方便,頻道和節目資源也很豐富,可以讓你在閑暇時光盡情享受視聽盛宴。 衞生間的環境也非常好,乾淨整潔得讓人挑不出一點毛病。洗漱台枱面寬敞,擺放着各種精緻的洗漱用品,質量都很不錯👍。淋浴間的空間很大,噴頭的出水力度適中,水温調節也很方便,洗澡的時候感覺特別舒適。馬桶是智能的,功能齊全,使用起來非常方便衞生。衞生間裏還瀰漫著淡淡的香氣,讓人感覺格外清新舒適。 酒店的公共區域環境也非常出色。走廊裏安靜整潔,牆上掛着一些精美的藝術畫作,為整個空間增添了一份文化氛圍。電梯運行平穩,速度也很快,而且裏面打掃得很乾凈,沒有任何雜物。酒店的花園更是一大亮點,綠樹成蔭,花草繁茂,還有一個小型的噴泉,在陽光的照耀下,水花四濺,閃閃發光✨。在這裏散步或者休息,都讓人感覺非常放鬆和愜意。 酒店的周邊環境也很不錯,交通便利,附近有很多餐廳、商店和娛樂場所。無論是出去吃飯還是購物都非常方便。而且酒店的位置很安靜,晚上睡覺的時候不會受到外界的幹擾,能夠保證你有一個良好的睡眠質量😴。 總的來説,這家酒店的環境真的是非常好,無論是大堂、房間、公共區域還是周邊環境,都讓人感到非常滿意。如果你正在尋找一家環境優美、舒適宜人的酒店,那麼我強烈推薦你選擇這家酒店,相信你一定會在這裏度過一段愉快的時光!💖 房間的環境更是無可挑剔。推開門的那一刻,清新的氣息撲鼻而來,房間裏沒有一絲異味。床鋪整潔乾淨,床單被罩的質感非常好,摸上去柔軟順滑,躺上去就像被雲朵包裹着一樣,超級舒服😴。
185 reviews
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Bishuiyuge (Yunshuiyao Center Shuiche Shop) Hotels near Nanjing Railway Station
Bishuiyuge (Yunshuiyao Center Shuiche Shop) Hotels near Nanjing Railway StationBishuiyuge (Yunshuiyao Center Shuiche Shop) Hotels near Nanjing Railway Station
Yunshuiyao Ancient Town |
The Yunshui Yao Scenic Area is not very big. This homestay is very close to the waterwheel, just a few steps away. It is not too close to the scenic area and is located in a quiet area in a bustling city. The aunties and uncles at the B&B were very welcoming. Although the breakfast was simple porridge, eggs and pickles, the pickles were pretty good. During breakfast, the uncle also introduced some cultural history of the Tulou. The experience of staying at Yunshuiyao at night is much better than during the day and it is worth staying.

GGuest User 2024.08.17
The Yunshui Yao Scenic Area is not very big. This homestay is very close to the waterwheel, just a few steps away. It is not too close to the scenic area and is located in a quiet area in a bustling city. The aunties and uncles at the B&B were very welcoming. Although the breakfast was simple porridge, eggs and pickles, the pickles were pretty good. During breakfast, the uncle also introduced some cultural history of the Tulou. The experience of staying at Yunshuiyao at night is much better than during the day and it is worth staying.
171 reviews
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Yunxi Moye Homestay (Yunshui Ballad Water Car Store) Hotels near Nanjing Railway Station
Yunxi Moye Homestay (Yunshui Ballad Water Car Store) Hotels near Nanjing Railway StationYunxi Moye Homestay (Yunshui Ballad Water Car Store) Hotels near Nanjing Railway Station
Yunshuiyao Ancient Town |
First of all, the room is very clean and tidy, and then the service of your store is really good. From contacting us to getting off the bus, the whole service is very good. Help us check in to the room to prepare tea and fruit service is in place. Also introduce us to the play route, Dinner is also eaten at their home. The affordable ingredients are fresh and delicious. I recommend everyone to try it. Yunshuiyao has left a deep impression on us. I think I will come back to Yunshuiyao to have tea and chat with the boss.

GGuest User 2024.12.19
First of all, the room is very clean and tidy, and then the service of your store is really good. From contacting us to getting off the bus, the whole service is very good. Help us check in to the room to prepare tea and fruit service is in place. Also introduce us to the play route, Dinner is also eaten at their home. The affordable ingredients are fresh and delicious. I recommend everyone to try it. Yunshuiyao has left a deep impression on us. I think I will come back to Yunshuiyao to have tea and chat with the boss.
425 reviews
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Muyin·Qiyuan Hotels near Nanjing Railway Station
Muyin·Qiyuan Hotels near Nanjing Railway StationMuyin·Qiyuan Hotels near Nanjing Railway Station
Yunshuiyao Ancient Town |
I like the decoration style very much. The facilities are beautifully arranged. It is very clean and you can rest assured when you stay here! The B&B is in the center of the scenic area, with convenient transportation and good sound insulation. I thought it was a scam!! I didn't expect it to be. I looked at many B&Bs in Yunshui Yao and this one has the best value for money. The room is very large. If you drive, parking is also very convenient. If you contact the owner in advance, he will pick you up and help you carry your things. The service is very thoughtful and patient. I am very satisfied with this stay experience~ I will definitely choose this one next time I come

GGuest User 2024.04.12
I like the decoration style very much. The facilities are beautifully arranged. It is very clean and you can rest assured when you stay here! The B&B is in the center of the scenic area, with convenient transportation and good sound insulation. I thought it was a scam!! I didn't expect it to be. I looked at many B&Bs in Yunshui Yao and this one has the best value for money. The room is very large. If you drive, parking is also very convenient. If you contact the owner in advance, he will pick you up and help you carry your things. The service is very thoughtful and patient. I am very satisfied with this stay experience~ I will definitely choose this one next time I come
374 reviews
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Yuanshe Hotel Hotels near Nanjing Railway Station
Yuanshe Hotel Hotels near Nanjing Railway StationYuanshe Hotel Hotels near Nanjing Railway Station
Yunshuiyao Ancient Town |
The Yuanshe Hotel is an ideal spot for travelers wanting to discover the city. The Yuanshe Hotel is an ideal choice for travelers who want to take in the sights and sounds of Nanjing. The hotel is located approximately 58km from Yongding Railway Station. The nearest railway station is Yongding Railway Station, approximately 58km away. This hotel is located near many of Nanjing's attractions including Cuimei Earth Building, Big Fish & Begonia and Huaiyuan Building. After a long day of sightseeing, guests can retire to the comfort of the hotel. This Nanjing hotel provides parking on site. According to our guests, this hotel provides a very high level of service. This hotel is particularly popular with those traveling with families.

GGuest User 2024.03.22
The location is great. Opposite is the big windmill and banyan tree, the symbol of Yunshuiyao. The courtyard is clean and tidy. It can be seen that the boss has put in a lot of effort. The food is also delicious. There is free parking. There are too many advantages. 😄
410 reviews
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Pingshan Homestay Hotels near Nanjing Railway Station
Pingshan Homestay Hotels near Nanjing Railway StationPingshan Homestay Hotels near Nanjing Railway Station
Yunshuiyao Ancient Town |
The Pingshan Homestay is one of the newest hotels in Nanjing, having been renovated in 2024. The hotel is approximately 59km away from Yongding Railway Station. The nearest railway station is Yongding Railway Station, approximately 59km away. Seeing Nanjing's sights from this hotel is easy with Huaiyuan Building, Tulou Dream Factory · Tulou Bee Museum (Yunshuiyao Branch) and Hakka Tulou Rammed Earth Experience Area all close by. This hotel makes a great place to kick back and relax after a long day of sightseeing. This Nanjing hotel offers parking on site. Our guests consider this hotel to have excellent service. This hotel is particularly popular with those traveling with families.

GGuest User 2024.12.25
The room decoration is very new. The room on the first floor has floor heating. It is very warm in winter. The bedding is very comfortable. The duvet is soft and warm. The room is equipped with a nut projector. You can cast a movie on the screen. Hotel location is within walking distance from Huaiyuan Building and the ancient town. You can drive to the surrounding restaurants. There are many restaurants. It is very quiet at night. The proprietress and family are very enthusiastic and invited us to have tea. Thank you for the hospitality of the past two days.
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Shanye Yunxi B&B (Yunshuiyao Waterwheel) Hotels near Nanjing Railway Station
Shanye Yunxi B&B (Yunshuiyao Waterwheel) Hotels near Nanjing Railway StationShanye Yunxi B&B (Yunshuiyao Waterwheel) Hotels near Nanjing Railway Station
Yunshuiyao Ancient Town |
The first time I stayed in such a beautiful homestay, the boss was warm and kind, the room was clean and hygienic, I could see that the boss was very careful, and also provided laundry detergent. This is my first experience. The boss greeted us very warmly from our arrival, took us our luggage, and sent us mineral water, made drinks, and checked the tide table on Dongshan Island at our next stop. I was really touched, but unfortunately I forgot to take a photo of the room. It is very recommended. Parking is also very convenient, friends must try, the hotel location is also very good, the surrounding is eaten, 15 minutes away from the earth building, the scenery along the way is very good, many big trees, very cool, the picture is the scenery along the way

GGuest User 2024.08.28
The first time I stayed in such a beautiful homestay, the boss was warm and kind, the room was clean and hygienic, I could see that the boss was very careful, and also provided laundry detergent. This is my first experience. The boss greeted us very warmly from our arrival, took us our luggage, and sent us mineral water, made drinks, and checked the tide table on Dongshan Island at our next stop. I was really touched, but unfortunately I forgot to take a photo of the room. It is very recommended. Parking is also very convenient, friends must try, the hotel location is also very good, the surrounding is eaten, 15 minutes away from the earth building, the scenery along the way is very good, many big trees, very cool, the picture is the scenery along the way
236 reviews
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Sheye Eden Resort Hotels near Nanjing Railway Station
Sheye Eden Resort Hotels near Nanjing Railway StationSheye Eden Resort Hotels near Nanjing Railway Station
Yunshuiyao Ancient Town |
The Sheye Eden Resort was recently opened in 2022, making it a fantastic choice for those staying in Nanjing. In terms of transportation, Yongding Railway Station is approximately 58km away. Yongding Railway Station is approximately 58km away by road. There is no shortage of things to see in the area, with the Biying Palace, Earth Building Cultural Park and Tulou Dream Factory · Tulou Bee Museum (Yunshuiyao Branch) all nearby. In their spare time, guests can explore the hotel's surroundings. This Nanjing hotel features parking on site. According to our guests, this hotel provides a very high level of service. For guests traveling with families, this hotel is consistently one of the most popular choices.

GGuest User 2025.01.15
A hotel highly recommended by a friend. I left before the holiday. The hotel is in the scenic area, which is very convenient for travel. The front desk lady provided great service, and the hand-painted small map was cute and easy to understand! You can dine in the restaurant, which tastes very good and has good facilities. I personally prefer to make tea in the atrium, and the hygiene is in place! I praise the aunt in the restaurant! The service is impeccable! The overall cost performance of the hotel is very high. I helped to arrange the roses on the day, and the children liked it very much. It really felt like returning home. I was responsive to every request. I am already looking forward to my next short stay!
459 reviews
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Xinsu Changrong Tulou Cultural Homestay (Yunshui Ballad Shop) Hotels near Nanjing Railway Station
Xinsu Changrong Tulou Cultural Homestay (Yunshui Ballad Shop) Hotels near Nanjing Railway StationXinsu Changrong Tulou Cultural Homestay (Yunshui Ballad Shop) Hotels near Nanjing Railway Station
Yunshuiyao Ancient Town |
The B&B is a high-end Internet celebrity B&B transformed from earth buildings. It is located in Yunshuiyao Scenic Area, a world cultural heritage and a national 5A tourist attraction. The earth buildings here are famous for their most exquisite structure, diverse forms and rich connotations. They are outstanding examples of Fujian earth building architecture. Representative, its layout combines Hakka farming and reading culture with modern art, full of simplicity yet fashionable. The layout of traditional farming equipment allows visitors to experience the strong rural culture; here, you can feel the perfection of ancient and modern Commune and experience a different kind of living experience. The unique structure of the earth building provides you with a quiet and warm resting space. Whether you are admiring the architectural beauty of earth buildings or savoring the local customs, Evergreen Tower can leave you with unforgettable memories. The second and third floors are guest rooms. The rooms retain exposed walls, allowing residents to touch the original architectural texture with their own hands, and also retain the architectural wisdom of earth buildings that are warm in winter and cool in summer. There are no real walls between the bedrooms, living rooms, study rooms and other rooms in the 12 high-end rooms. Light and transparent objects such as fabric curtains, shelves, and screens are used to separate them slightly, making the space open and transparent. Welcome to the B&B.

GGuest User 2024.10.05
Modern facilities and convenient parking. The location is not in the center of the scenic spot but it is clean and quiet. The food is delicious, especially the specialty fish. Anomatis tea is also delicious. There is a free experience of Miao costumes, and the children loved it. The boss was kind enough to help me pick up the boxes when I arrived at the store and when I left. Two large beds, very comfortable to sleep on. And there is no TV, so I can finally chat with my baby. It's very suitable for a family trip. I regretted that I only stayed for one day because of the tight schedule. Moreover, it gets dark at early 6 o'clock in Fujian, so please plan your itinerary to scenic spots.
339 reviews
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Floral Luxury Tea House (Nanjing Tulou) Hotels near Nanjing Railway Station
Floral Luxury Tea House (Nanjing Tulou) Hotels near Nanjing Railway StationFloral Luxury Tea House (Nanjing Tulou) Hotels near Nanjing Railway Station
Taxia Tulou Scenic Area |
The Floral Luxury Tea House (Nanjing Tulou) is an ideal spot for travelers wanting to discover the city. The Floral Luxury Tea House (Nanjing Tulou) is an ideal choice for travelers who want to take in the sights and sounds of Nanjing. The hotel is located approximately 45km from Yongding Railway Station. Yongding Railway Station is the closest option for those who prefer to travel by train, approximately 45km away. With multiple attractions nearby including Taxia Village, Yudelou and Deyuan Hall, guests will find plenty to keep themselves occupied. When guests have some time on their hands they can make use of the onsite facilities. For those driving themselves, parking is provided on site. According to our trusted guests, the facilities at this hotel are first-rate. This hotel is particularly popular with those traveling with families.

GGuest User 2024.12.27
I can only say it was a super great experience. This time I brought a 3-year-old child and an elderly person to see the Tulou. There is a parking space and the view outside the window is great. There is freshly ground peanut dew for breakfast. If you don't want to move for dinner, you can go directly downstairs to eat (it's still a highly reviewed restaurant). I think the best thing is that the room facilities are very child-friendly. There are small stools for children to stand on to wash their hands or sit on the toilet. The mattress is latex and very comfortable. It takes about ten minutes to drive to the Four Dishes and One Soup Building and half an hour to Yunshui Yao. The location is very good but it is quieter. They gave us their own tea as a gift. There is tea set in the room and we made tea every day.
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Top Pick Hotels near Nanjing Railway Station

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Check out our most booked hotels near Nanjing Railway Station from the past 30 days!
Nanjing Zhenghui Hotel Hotels near Nanjing Railway Station
52 Reviews

Nanjing Zhenghui Hotel

Nanjing | 0.46KM from Nanjing Railway Station
"Great rooms""Clean and tidy"
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Yunjing Impression Hotel (Zhangzhou Nanjing Jingcheng Branch) Hotels near Nanjing Railway Station
349 Reviews

Yunjing Impression Hotel (Zhangzhou Nanjing Jingcheng Branch)

Nanjing | 6.36KM from Nanjing Railway Station
"Delicious breakfast""Friendly front desk staff"
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Guibinshe Hot Spring Hotel (Zhangzhou Nanjingjingcheng Yingbin West Road Branch) Hotels near Nanjing Railway Station
229 Reviews

Guibinshe Hot Spring Hotel (Zhangzhou Nanjingjingcheng Yingbin West Road Branch)

Nanjing | 7.5KM from Nanjing Railway Station
"Great value for money""Friendly front desk staff"
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Fenghuang Yihao Hotel Hotels near Nanjing Railway Station
79 Reviews

Fenghuang Yihao Hotel

County, Nanjing | 9.94KM from Nanjing Railway Station
"Great stay!""Great rooms"
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Nanjing Xin Aishang Hotel Hotels near Nanjing Railway Station
84 Reviews

Nanjing Xin Aishang Hotel

County, Nanjing | 9.96KM from Nanjing Railway Station
"Clean and tidy""Great rooms"
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Nanjing Heshun Lanshui Yueshe Hotels near Nanjing Railway Station
186 Reviews

Nanjing Heshun Lanshui Yueshe

Nanjing | 6.33KM from Nanjing Railway Station
"Delicious breakfast""Classy environment"
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Wanjiahao (Nanjing) International Hot Spring Hotel Hotels near Nanjing Railway Station
206 Reviews

Wanjiahao (Nanjing) International Hot Spring Hotel

County, Nanjing | 9.82KM from Nanjing Railway Station
"Great rooms""Great stay!"
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Vienna Classic Hotel (Nanjing) Hotels near Nanjing Railway Station
537 Reviews

Vienna Classic Hotel (Nanjing)

Nanjing | 10.11KM from Nanjing Railway Station
"Convenient parking""Large rooms"
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南靖田園小棧 Hotels near Nanjing Railway Station
17 Reviews


Nanjing | 1.89KM from Nanjing Railway Station
"Friendly owner""Great rooms"
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GGuest UserWe stayed there for 2 days. The place is very cozy and authentic. The landlord was very kind and helpful. She helped us to arrange a driver to get around the villages and treated us with a local tea that was very tasty. Also there lives a very cute and playful cat))) if you are not a tea lover you can order a cup of delicious coffee there. There is a good restaurant nearby where you can have a meal. We highly recommend this place.
Taxia Shouwang Inn Hotels near Nanjing Railway Station

Taxia Shouwang Inn

Taxia Tulou Scenic Area, Nanjing
Price per night from:US$30
VVythicaWe stayed in Floral Luxury.1949 Guesthouse for 1 night. We booked Mufan room located on the ground floor as i am travelling with my elderly mom and carrying heavy luggage bags. The guesthouse butler will contact you the night before your arrival to add them to Wechat for easy communication. They will share their hotel location and offer pick-up service at the train station if required. Access to Yunshuiyao town is RMB90 perpax and free for those aged above 65 years old. Yunshuiyao is a scenic town area with 3 km long (2 - 3 hours walk). We hired a chinese speaking guide to accompany us to explain the history of Huaiyan building (square tulou), Hegui building (round tulou), and the town area. It cost RMB100. The guesthouse is located inside Yunshuiyao town, behind the shop houses, in-between waterwheel and 2 trees (named as husband and wife) aged above 670 years old. When we reached there at 2.30 pm, it was raining. The hotel staff immediately came out with an umbrella to pick us up and assist with the luggage. The check-in is fast, and the access to the room is by password, which they will share in Wechat. Checkout is also very easy. The hotel offered free fruits twice a day, afternoon and evening. The basic bathroom essentials are complete, and they also provide bathrobes. The bed and pillows are very comfortable for a good night sleep. Luckily the aircond can change to warm mode as it was very cold on raining day. There's a mini kids playground for children's. The staff were friendly and helpful. The breakfast set come with porridge and soya drink. Can topup if needed more. The in-house restaurant provides lunch & dinner with a la carte chinese foods menu. The sky brightens at 5 am, while the sun rises high at 6.45am. If you are able to wake up early, this is the best time for you to revisit the town and tulou surrounding area for nice photos and cool breeze as only local people around. There's a roadside stall selling super long youtiao (equal to size of 2 youtiao) located near the stone bridge not far from guesthouse. The whole Yunshuiyao town is covered with natural peebles pathway. Wear suitable shoes as it will be very slippery during the rainy day.
TTeoSA peaceful place to chill and relax. Very pretty, clean, modern interior and nice smelling room. Fruits, drinks and yoghurt are complimentary in every room. Within the room, it is spacious! They even offer us washing machine (equipped with detergent) in every room so we may wash our laundry. Exterior has been nicely designed too. Love the deco around the common area like the reading corner, tea table. Breakfast is quite good though it’s the same for both days we were there. Manager nicely upgraded one of our room as it was off peak season. Found out they have another branch in Yun Shi Yao. Perhaps can consider staying there and this for 2 different nights to experience different locations with hopefully similar level of standards.
Nanjing Tulou cultural center · 1949 Resort Hotels near Nanjing Railway Station

Nanjing Tulou cultural center · 1949 Resort

Taxia Tulou Scenic Area, Nanjing
Price per night from:US$55
GGuest UserI came to Yunshuiyao to play, and I really like the scenery here. I especially like their design and greening. Whenever I come to the south, I ask him to stay here for a night every time. The proprietress is very friendly, and the tea she brews is very fragrant. The coffee is also very fragrant. The overall environment is very healing. I came from Jiangsu. I plan to bring my good friends and my family to play again during the summer vacation, and I will choose their home to stay. Thank you. I love you so much.
Yunshuiyao Yunshui Yinyi Homestay Hotels near Nanjing Railway Station

Yunshuiyao Yunshui Yinyi Homestay

Yunshuiyao Ancient Town, Nanjing
Price per night from:US$42
GGuest UserThe hotel is very close to the Tulou, and there are free tours of the Tulou. The included dinner is delicious, and the wine selection is super tasteful. The room is fully equipped and the bedding is very comfortable, but the overall hard decoration and bathroom can only be said to be ordinary, probably because of the renovation and preservation of the original traces. The butler service is considerate and in place.
Tsingpu Nanjing Tulou Retreat Hotels near Nanjing Railway Station

Tsingpu Nanjing Tulou Retreat

Taxia Tulou Scenic Area, Nanjing
Price per night from:US$232
GGuest UserThe B&B is located in the core of Tasha Village, surrounded by mountains and rivers, with beautiful scenery. There are many scenic spots around, and it is convenient to travel, especially suitable for self-driving tours. Tasha Village is laid out along the stream, and the water flow is S-shaped. The river bank is creatively divided into two levels. In winter, the water volume is small, and the lower river bank is exposed and becomes the main road for vehicles; in the summer flood season, the lower river bank is submerged in water, and the upper river bank is a pedestrian passage, connecting the corridors and small bridges in front of each household.
Lotus Land Hotels near Nanjing Railway Station

Lotus Land

Taxia Tulou Scenic Area, Nanjing
Price per night from:US$37
GGuest UserWhat an amazing experience to live in the “chopsticks” buildings of the four dishes and one soup! This was a small and beautiful village and the family who ran the inn helped us carry our luggage up to the inn and later down to the inn. When we arrived they cooked a dinner which was reasonable in price based on a local menu. And then during dinner, they told us that one of the family members will be running a free tour of the Tulous of four dishes one soup for us in which they explained the history of the building of the tulous, especially the oval shaped tulou. Our guide was very funny with his stories (he spoke in Chinese) and it was a lovely time seeing the artists and candy makers in the Tulous. I would highly recommend this place. We did have to bring our own towels (or at least we brought our own and they didn’t supply one), so maybe best to check.
Tulou Viewing Platform Inn Hotels near Nanjing Railway Station

Tulou Viewing Platform Inn

Taxia Tulou Scenic Area, Nanjing
Price per night from:US$17
SScarletTheWandererWe had a nice stay here and would highly recommend it. The rooms were clean, spacious and newly renovated. The bathroom was super clean, the shower was strong and water was hot. The bed was very comfortable and the owner and his wife were very friendly. Breakfast was tasty traditional Congi with pickled veg, eggs, salty nuts and steamed buns. The location was amazing, it’s right on the river so all your hear is the lovely river! It’s right on the path that leads you to all the major sights in the Yunshuiyao Scenic Area and close and nice walk to each Tulou from here with gorgeous Banyan trees!!! The balcony was really nice to sit and enjoy dinner with incredible views of the river and surrounding Tulous. We had delicious lunch and dinner here. Would recommend pre-booking a driver, as transportation to the train from here is a little tricky if you are not self-driving. Very good price too! Would recommend this gem!
Nanxi · Xiyuan Family Inn Hotels near Nanjing Railway Station

Nanxi · Xiyuan Family Inn

Yunshuiyao Ancient Town, Nanjing
Price per night from:US$36
SSilinggeneralThe girl at the front desk was very warm and thoughtful, and she would help us solve the problem in time if there were questions and answers, and give her a thumbs up 👍. The hotel's hardware facilities are almost, the USB charging interface is not available, the sink drain connection is not closed, and the hand water comes out, making the sewage overflow, and the shower room is very inconvenient without putting things. The decoration of the hotel is not much for a long time. The key is management. There are a lot of dirt on the tiles on the bathroom wall. I can wipe it clean with wet paper towels. No one pays attention to this. So the key is whether the management staff really pays attention to it. I found a squat, it is estimated that the sewer is coming.
Distinguished Guest Hotel (Nanjing Guangdian) Hotels near Nanjing Railway Station

Distinguished Guest Hotel (Nanjing Guangdian)

County, Nanjing
Price per night from:US$15
Very Good
HhinshanghaiGreat hosts! The owner will collect your luggage from the observation deck. He cooked dinner, showed us the fireflies at night and arranged a taxi for the next day. There's a clean toilet/shower on the first floor so no need to use the public bathrooms. Seemed to be one of the quieter buildings to stay in after seeing the activity around the others at night.
three sisters'hotel Hotels near Nanjing Railway Station

three sisters'hotel

Taxia Tulou Scenic Area, Nanjing
Price per night from:US$12

Frequently asked questions

What hotels near Nanjing Railway Station offer breakfast?

A delicious breakfast is a great way to kick start your day. If you want to stay at a hotel with breakfast near Nanjing Railway Station in Nanjing, consider Wanjiahao (Nanjing) International Hot Spring Hotel,Distinguished Guest Hotel (Nanjing Guangdian) and Guibinshe Hot Spring Hotel (Zhangzhou Nanjingjingcheng Yingbin West Road Branch) . These hotels are very popular, so book early.

Which popular hotels near Nanjing Railway Station have parking?

Which hotels near Nanjing Railway Station have free Wi-Fi?

Which hotels near Nanjing Railway Station have gyms?

Since staying fit is important to a lot of guests, it's no surprise that gyms can be found in many hotels. Guibinshe Hot Spring Hotel (Zhangzhou Nanjingjingcheng Yingbin West Road Branch) and Nanjing Heshun Lanshui Yueshe are popular hotels with a fitness room.

Which hotels near Nanjing Railway Station are the most popular?

What are some accessible hotels near Nanjing Railway Station?

What popular hotels near Nanjing Railway Station have restaurants?

If you like trying local food while you travel, you might want to stay at Wanjiahao (Nanjing) International Hot Spring Hotel,Distinguished Guest Hotel (Nanjing Guangdian) and Guibinshe Hot Spring Hotel (Zhangzhou Nanjingjingcheng Yingbin West Road Branch) . There are many famous local restaurants around these hotels.

What's the average price of hotels near Nanjing Railway Station this weekend?

According to's data, the average price for a weekend night at hotels near Nanjing Railway Station in Nanjing is US$27. Prices fluctuate often; this rate is for reference only.

How much is a hotel near Nanjing Railway Station per night?

According to's data, the average price per night at hotels near Nanjing Railway Station in Nanjing is US$20. Prices fluctuate often; this rate is for reference only.

What hotels are recommended near Nanjing Railway Station?

If you're having a hard time choosing a hotel, consider staying at , and . These hotels are highly rated, so you should book early.

Which hotels near Nanjing Railway Station are popular with budget travelers?

Whether you're traveling for business or going on a vacation, Yunjing Impression Hotel (Zhangzhou Nanjing Jingcheng Branch),Youyuanju and Home Inn Paibai Yun Hotel (Zhangzhou Nanjing Jingcheng Branch) are popular affordable hotels.

Nanjing hotels near Nanjing Railway Station information

Highest PriceUS$99
Lowest PriceUS$8
Number of Reviews 4,800
Total Properties49
Average Price(Weekday Night)US$25
Average Price(Weekend Night)US$25