Platanos in The Castle map

Platanos in The Castle Map, Address, Transportation & Nearest Stations and Airport

Platanos in the Castle
Castle of Ioannina
Historical Museum of Ioannina Ch.Nikolaou
Jewish Synagogue (Kahal Kadosh Yashan)
Silversmithing Museum
Zois Vasileios
Passas Kalou House
Ottoman Bath
Ioannina Marina

Transportation to Platanos in the Castle

  • Airport

Recommended Hotels similar to Platanos in The Castle

K. Papoulia &, Ikkou, Ioannina, 45221, Greece |luxury hotel |Holiday Homes
| From EUR 115
37 Reviews
Hotel du Lac Congress Center & Spa Hotel Exterior
Hotel du Lac Congress Center & Spa Rooms
Hotel du Lac Congress Center & Spa Rooms
View All 178 Photos
Hotel Location
K. Papoulia &, Ikkou, Ioannina, 45221, Greece |
1.02KM from city center
5.5km from Ioannina "King Pyrros" Airport
Reviews From Real Travelers
Located in a quiet place, this hotel overlooks the lake and is in walking distance of the castle and the centre of Ioannina. Very easy parking in the surrounding area, big, clean room and bathroom. Staff was welcoming, kind and helpful and breakfast was amazing with lots of choices of both local and international taste. The rooms need some renovations.
- Guest User
We thoroughly enjoyed staying at Hotel du Lac. The rooms are dated and in need of an upgrade, but clean. The beds are very comfortable. The service was excellent. The pool is incredible and the restaurants serve amazing meals. The view of the lake from our room was spectacular.
- Guest User
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Book "Hotel du Lac Congress Center & Spa" Now
Ioannina, Ligiades, 45500, Greece |Pet friendly
| From EUR 115
18 Reviews
Mir Boutique Hotel Hotel Exterior
Mir Boutique Hotel Rooms
Mir Boutique Hotel Rooms
View All 71 Photos
Hotel Location
Ioannina, Ligiades, 45500, Greece |
0.26KM from city center
11.6km from Ioannina "King Pyrros" Airport
Reviews From Real Travelers
We visited the picturesque village of Lingiades on our return trip from vacation. As the distance to our home was very long, I had decided to visit this village, for which I had many informations for his excellent view and rest there for a night. I havem;t booked a room,as the city of Ioannina is very near, If there was not an availability in Lingiades. When I entered the village tired of the long journey (from the island Zakynthos) and under heavy rain the first building I passed was this hotel. So when anout availability and price, the gentle lady offered me a room in a price (100€) higher than I would spend for a night, but the hotel was a very beautiful boutique hotel and i was really tired to look for an other hotel. In the end the hotel was totally worth the cost I paid. The room was dreamy, had an air of 19th century, while the rest areas of the hotel had a modern, but very pleasant architecture. And the view from the room was magnifiscent. The lake, the small island with the village and in the fond the city of Ioannina. And although we could see everything, there was no sound of the city activities. The lady in the reception had warned us that the breakfast was extraordinary. And indeed it was. It wasn’t a buffet breakfast. The ladies of the kitchen entered several times with special dishes. Savory, sweets, pies, jams, eggs in different versions (fried, boiled, omelettes, scrambled), cakes, biscuits, pancaces, fruits, etc,etc, It is not possible to describe the whole menu. But finally we asked them kindly to stop,as we could not consume more. And everything we had tasted bas delicious. I would like to stay at least for a day more, but unfortunately my wife had to work next day. I promised myself to stay there for 3-4 days another time. Unfortunatley in October, when I wanted to book for a night again on return trip (from Peloponess that time), the hotel was fully booked ! The village has at least 2 restaurants, one of them, ”Kukuwagia” (where we ate) is very famous in Ioannina region.
- Guest User
Wow ! This place is amazing. Staff were wonderful, very helpful, wrote out a long list of suggestions. Breakfast had everything (eggs, bacon, pastries, fruit) all home made. Setting is on the hill, amazing views from our room/ balcony. Hotel was spotless, super comfortable bed, spacious bathroom. The room itself was not large, but was well designed. The parking is free; but it is sort of weird as you park at the top of the hill but then have to bring all your luggage down a few flights of stairs to the entrance. If you are someone who does not like to do stairs, this might be an issue. The hotel is gorgeous, but not centrally located; you would need a car or other transportation to get most places. However, there is an excellent restaurant within about a 10 minute walk. Home made sweets and raki offered when we arrived.
- Guest User
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Book "Mir Boutique Hotel" Now
Averof 33, Ioannina, 45221, Greece |Holiday Homes
| From EUR 89
16 Reviews
Hotel Metropolis Hotel Exterior
Hotel Metropolis Hotel Exterior
Hotel Metropolis Rooms
View All 70 Photos
Hotel Location
Averof 33, Ioannina, 45221, Greece |
0.34KM from city center
4.2km from Ioannina "King Pyrros" Airport
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Book "Hotel Metropolis" Now
Platia Eleftherias, Katsanochoria, 44013, Greece |luxury hotel |Family-friendly
| From EUR 99
Very Good
15 Reviews
Princess Lanassa Hotel Exterior
Princess Lanassa Hotel Exterior
Princess Lanassa Rooms
View All 79 Photos
Hotel Location
Platia Eleftherias, Katsanochoria, 44013, Greece |
4.44KM from city center
33.3km from Ioannina "King Pyrros" Airport
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Book "Princess Lanassa" Now
Neoptolemou 8, Ioannina, 45444, Greece |Holiday Homes
| From EUR 97
38 Reviews
Hotel Antique Hotel Exterior
Hotel Antique Hotel Exterior
Hotel Antique Rooms
View All 55 Photos
Hotel Location
Neoptolemou 8, Ioannina, 45444, Greece |
0.65KM from city center
4.1km from Ioannina "King Pyrros" Airport
Reviews From Real Travelers
I booked 2 nights and enjoyed lot on staying here, the location is perfect just beside by the castle only walking one minute! Yoli is very warm host and give me very good idea of the visiting around details as soon as my arriving! The hotel and room are beautiful, stylish and antique, clean and bright room, comfortable bedding, Good and very rich breakfast offer! Thank you Yoli, I will miss Ioannia! B.rgds/Jane
- Yu
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Book "Hotel Antique" Now
3A Georgiou Chatzi-Pelleren, Ioannina, 45221, Greece |Holiday Homes
| From EUR 91
11 Reviews
Lake Spirit Boutique Hotel & Spa Hotel Exterior
Lake Spirit Boutique Hotel & Spa Rooms
Lake Spirit Boutique Hotel & Spa Rooms
View All 113 Photos
Hotel Location
3A Georgiou Chatzi-Pelleren, Ioannina, 45221, Greece |
0.43KM from city center
5.0km from Ioannina "King Pyrros" Airport
Reviews From Real Travelers
Την Παρασκευή 6/8 έκανα κράτηση μέσω internet στο Lake Spirit Boutique Hotel & Spa στα Γιάννενα για μία διανυκτέρευση για το Σάββατο 7/8. Στην κράτηση μου η οποία επιβεβαιώθηκε από το ξενοδοχείο γίνεται ρητή αναφορά στο ότι είμαι χρήστης αναπηρικού αμαξιδίου και μάλιστα τηλεφωνικά μίλησα τέσσερις φορές με υπαλλήλους του αναφορικά με το θέμα οι οποίοι με διαβεβαίωσαν δεν υπάρχει κανένα απολύτως πρόβλημα. Λόγω κάποιων συναντήσεων που είχα στην πόλη έφτασα στο ξενοδοχείο στις 5:00 το απόγευμα και Βρέθηκα προ εκπλήξεως Γιατί δεν υπήρχε πρόσβαση προς το ξενοδοχείο από το πεζοδρόμιο. Όπως μπορείτε να δείτε στη φωτογραφία ακριβώς έξω από την είσοδο του ξενοδοχείου υπάρχει μία αναπηρική θέση στάθμευσης όμως αν παρκάρω εκεί αυτομάτως κλείνω τη μοναδική ράμπα πεζοδρομίου προς το ξενοδοχείο. Μπαίνοντας στο ξενοδοχείο υπήρχε ένα αναβατόριο το οποίο όπως μπορείτε να δείτε στις φωτογραφίες επουδενί δεν μπορεί να εξυπηρετήσει έναν χρήστη αναπηρικού αμαξιδίου. Είναι κατάλληλο για ηλικιωμένα άτομα ή για άτομα με κάποια ελαφριά αναπηρία. Το αναβατόριο Είναι μικρό είναι σε πολύ λάθος θέση με κίνδυνο για τον χρήστη αναπηρικού αμαξιδίου όταν τον πλησιάσει να πέσει στις σκάλες και το πιο κοντινό σημείο που μπορεί να φτάσει αφήνει μεγάλο κενό μεταξύ αμαξιδίου και αναβατορίου ώστε να γίνει η μεταφορά. Ακόμα και αν μπορούσε να γίνει η μεταφορά ( και μιλάω υποθετικά) θα έπρεπε κάποιος να μετακινεί το αναπηρικό αμαξίδιο αυτομάτως αυτός ο χώρος δεν μπορεί να καλείται προσβάσιμος Η υπάλληλος της ρεσεψιόν η οποία ήταν ευγενέστατη και εξυπηρετικότατη προσφέρθηκε να με βοηθήσει στη μεταφορά η οποία εκ των πραγμάτων είναι αδύνατη προς το αναβατόριο γιατί αυτές τις οδηγίες είχε όμως ούτε την πιστοποιηση έχει για κάτι τέτοιο ούτε τις γνώσεις και σε περίπτωση ατυχήματος θα έφερε μέρος της ευθύνης. Μάλιστα μου είπε ότι το ξενοδοχείο στο παρελθόν έχει δεχτεί κάποια άτομα με αναπηρία Αλλά πάντα με συνοδό και τότε της είπα ότι υπάρχουμε και εμείς Πού είμαστε ενεργοί και αυτοεξυπηρετούμενοι. Προσπάθησε να επικοινωνήσει με την υπεύθυνη του ξενοδοχείου η οποία βρισκόταν σε άδεια και εναλλακτικά επικοινώνησε με την ιδιοκτήτρια του ξενοδοχείου και όταν μου έδωσε το τηλέφωνο για να μιλήσω μαζί της δέχτηκα επίπληξη με άσχημο τρόπο και τόνο από εκείνη η οποία στην ουσία με μάλωσε χωρίς να με αφήσει να αρθρώσω λέξη. Φυσικά δεν συνέχισα την επικοινωνία έφυγα από το ξενοδοχείο και βρήκα κάπου αλλού δωμάτιο παρότι λόγω της συγκεκριμένης ώρας η τιμή που βρήκα ήταν αρκετά μεγαλύτερη από αυτήν που θα έβρισκα την προηγούμενη μέρα Απαράδεκτες υποδομές ακκμα πιο Απαράδεκτη η συμπεριφορά της ιδιοκτήτριας του ξενοδοχείου Κανένας σεβασμός στην αναπηρία
- Guest User
Επιλέξαμε το cosy δωματιο η καθαριότητα άριστη το στρώμα υπέροχο η διάσταση του δωματίου άνετη όπως και το μπάνιο γενικά μείναμε ευχαριστημένοι και ειδικά από την εξυπηρέτηση του προσωπικού σίγουρα θα το επιλέξουμε και πάλι σε μελλοντική μας επίσκεψη στα Ιωάννινα
- Guest User
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Book "Lake Spirit Boutique Hotel & Spa" Now
7th Km National Road Ioannina, Fteri, 45221, Greece |luxury hotel |Family-friendly
| From EUR 93
41 Reviews
Epirus Palace Congress & Spa Hotel Exterior
Epirus Palace Congress & Spa Hotel Exterior
Epirus Palace Congress & Spa Rooms
View All 128 Photos
Hotel Location
7th Km National Road Ioannina, Fteri, 45221, Greece |
0.26KM from city center
15.2km from Ioannina "King Pyrros" Airport
Reviews From Real Travelers
Definitely not five star, I would say 4 star is near. Hotel is little bit outdated - i mean paint for flaking etc. Check in process was very slow and the service was good, not excellent. In pool and pool bar service was very average. Bed was great and room too! Balcony was nice but dirty and no chairs or table, why? Garden and pool and the hall of hotel was very beautiful!
- Guest User
Very good experience, clean rooms, good service attitude
- yanling
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Book "Epirus Palace Congress & Spa" Now
Dodonis 33, Ioannina, 45332, Greece |luxury hotel |Family-friendly
| From EUR 87
45 Reviews
Grand Serai Congress and Spa Hotel Exterior
Grand Serai Congress and Spa Rooms
Grand Serai Congress and Spa Rooms
View All 155 Photos
Hotel Location
Dodonis 33, Ioannina, 45332, Greece |
0.6KM from city center
5.1km from Ioannina "King Pyrros" Airport
Reviews From Real Travelers
The decoration quality is very good, the furniture and decoration are all solid wood, and the luxurious lobby is very tasteful. Even if it is affected by the epidemic, there are not many guests, but the rich breakfast still maintains the quality of a five-star hotel.
- yanling
Excellent choice of superior, excellent staff, beautiful aesthetic, perfect breakfast, convenient location.
- St_ Al7
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Book "Grand Serai Congress and Spa" Now
Aherontos 4, Ioannina, 45445, Greece |luxury hotel |Holiday Homes
| From EUR 87
42 Reviews
The Lake Hotel Hotel Exterior
The Lake Hotel Hotel Exterior
The Lake Hotel Rooms
View All 65 Photos
Hotel Location
Aherontos 4, Ioannina, 45445, Greece |
2.1KM from city center
2.2km from Ioannina "King Pyrros" Airport
Reviews From Real Travelers
Well I owed this one to the hotel. Stayed here even in the hard times of Covid when they created a safe shelter for all the people who still had to travel to work. Even in those hard times they maintained the level at the highest level. I have stayed in this hotel more than 40 times. Quality remains the same , service the same , breakfast still working fine for me ( they could offer a free fresh orange juice though would be highly appreciated during breakfast) . In general terms a very safe choice for ioannina just a few minutes from the city centre and in an excellent location for visiting around.
We loved our stay at the hotel. We booked 3 nights and ended up staying for 5 nights. The hotel has a convenient parking lot for those traveling around the area by car. It's close enough to the city but right on the outskirts, where it's quick to get out in the morning for trips around the area. The rooms were clean, we saw the cleaning team at work and were super impressed by them. The staff was friendly and the food at breakfast was really great, with a wonderful variety. Highly recommended
- Daydream45327095246
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Book "The Lake Hotel" Now
20 Paleologou, Ioannina, 45221, Greece
| From EUR 92
41 Reviews
Ialna Boutique Hotel Hotel Exterior
Ialna Boutique Hotel Hotel Exterior
Ialna Boutique Hotel Rooms
View All 75 Photos
Hotel Location
20 Paleologou, Ioannina, 45221, Greece |
0.77KM from city center
4.7km from Ioannina "King Pyrros" Airport
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Book "Ialna Boutique Hotel" Now

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5 star

4.4/5Excellent45 Reviews
Ioannina|0.6km from city center
The decoration quality is very good, the furniture and decoration are all solid wood, and the luxurious lobby is very tasteful. Even if it is affected by the epidemic, there are not many guests, but the rich breakfast still maintains the quality of a five-star hotel.
4.6/5Outstanding42 Reviews
Ioannina|2.1km from city center
Well I owed this one to the hotel. Stayed here even in the hard times of Covid when they created a safe shelter for all the people who still had to travel to work. Even in those hard times they maintained the level at the highest level. I have stayed in this hotel more than 40 times. Quality remains the same , service the same , breakfast still working fine for me ( they could offer a free fresh orange juice though would be highly appreciated during breakfast) . In general terms a very safe choice for ioannina just a few minutes from the city centre and in an excellent location for visiting around.
4.6/5Outstanding37 Reviews
Ioannina|1.02km from city center
Located in a quiet place, this hotel overlooks the lake and is in walking distance of the castle and the centre of Ioannina. Very easy parking in the surrounding area, big, clean room and bathroom. Staff was welcoming, kind and helpful and breakfast was amazing with lots of choices of both local and international taste. The rooms need some renovations.
4.8/5Outstanding21 Reviews
Ioannina|0.49km from city center
This has to be one of the most charming hotels I have ever been to, and I have been to many all over the world. Hotel Kamares is a small boutique hotel and spa. We stayed in a suite which was so special, and cozy. It’s well appointed, clean, and charming with a Greek ethnic feel. There are no elevators to go upstairs to the rooms so if you can’t take steps this is not the hotel for you. That being said, the breakfast area is beautiful and quaint and has amazing coffee and a nice choice for breakfast. I had two wonderful massages while I was there, and the prices couldn’t be beat. I recommend the exfoliating salt and sugar massage. As far as the staff, they couldn’t be nicer. All of them were so wonderful, and all the little extra touches were so appreciated. Always giving us water and snacks for our day trips. When we return to Ioannina, I will look no further for a hotel. We will definitely stay in the Hotel Kamares again. For those who want to stay in town walking distance to the lake and many restaurants it’s the place to stay.
4.8/5Outstanding16 Reviews
Ioannina|0.34km from city center
A stay at Hotel Metropolis places you in the heart of Ioannina, within a 5-minute walk of Zosimaia Library and Art Gallery of Epirus Studies. This luxury hotel is 0.2 mi (0.3 km) from Gallery of Epirus Studies Society and 0.2 mi (0.4 km) from Archaeological Museum of Ioannina.Make use of convenient amenities such as complimentary wireless internet access, concierge services, and a television in a common area.Satisfy your appetite at the hotel's coffee shop/cafe, or stay in and take advantage of the room service (during limited hours). A complimentary cooked-to-order breakfast is served daily from 8 AM to 11 AM.Featured amenities include dry cleaning/laundry services, luggage storage, and a safe deposit box at the front desk. A roundtrip airport shuttle is available for a surcharge.Make yourself at home in one of the 9 air-conditioned rooms featuring minibars and plasma televisions. Complimentary wireless internet access keeps you connected, and digital programming is available for your entertainment. Private bathrooms with bathtubs or showers feature designer toiletries and hair dryers. Conveniences include phones and safes, and housekeeping is provided daily.

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Business travel

4.8/5Outstanding38 Reviews
Ioannina|0.65km from city center
I booked 2 nights and enjoyed lot on staying here, the location is perfect just beside by the castle only walking one minute! Yoli is very warm host and give me very good idea of the visiting around details as soon as my arriving! The hotel and room are beautiful, stylish and antique, clean and bright room, comfortable bedding, Good and very rich breakfast offer! Thank you Yoli, I will miss Ioannia! B.rgds/Jane
4.5/5Excellent11 Reviews
Ioannina|0.43km from city center
Την Παρασκευή 6/8 έκανα κράτηση μέσω internet στο Lake Spirit Boutique Hotel & Spa στα Γιάννενα για μία διανυκτέρευση για το Σάββατο 7/8. Στην κράτηση μου η οποία επιβεβαιώθηκε από το ξενοδοχείο γίνεται ρητή αναφορά στο ότι είμαι χρήστης αναπηρικού αμαξιδίου και μάλιστα τηλεφωνικά μίλησα τέσσερις φορές με υπαλλήλους του αναφορικά με το θέμα οι οποίοι με διαβεβαίωσαν δεν υπάρχει κανένα απολύτως πρόβλημα. Λόγω κάποιων συναντήσεων που είχα στην πόλη έφτασα στο ξενοδοχείο στις 5:00 το απόγευμα και Βρέθηκα προ εκπλήξεως Γιατί δεν υπήρχε πρόσβαση προς το ξενοδοχείο από το πεζοδρόμιο. Όπως μπορείτε να δείτε στη φωτογραφία ακριβώς έξω από την είσοδο του ξενοδοχείου υπάρχει μία αναπηρική θέση στάθμευσης όμως αν παρκάρω εκεί αυτομάτως κλείνω τη μοναδική ράμπα πεζοδρομίου προς το ξενοδοχείο. Μπαίνοντας στο ξενοδοχείο υπήρχε ένα αναβατόριο το οποίο όπως μπορείτε να δείτε στις φωτογραφίες επουδενί δεν μπορεί να εξυπηρετήσει έναν χρήστη αναπηρικού αμαξιδίου. Είναι κατάλληλο για ηλικιωμένα άτομα ή για άτομα με κάποια ελαφριά αναπηρία. Το αναβατόριο Είναι μικρό είναι σε πολύ λάθος θέση με κίνδυνο για τον χρήστη αναπηρικού αμαξιδίου όταν τον πλησιάσει να πέσει στις σκάλες και το πιο κοντινό σημείο που μπορεί να φτάσει αφήνει μεγάλο κενό μεταξύ αμαξιδίου και αναβατορίου ώστε να γίνει η μεταφορά. Ακόμα και αν μπορούσε να γίνει η μεταφορά ( και μιλάω υποθετικά) θα έπρεπε κάποιος να μετακινεί το αναπηρικό αμαξίδιο αυτομάτως αυτός ο χώρος δεν μπορεί να καλείται προσβάσιμος Η υπάλληλος της ρεσεψιόν η οποία ήταν ευγενέστατη και εξυπηρετικότατη προσφέρθηκε να με βοηθήσει στη μεταφορά η οποία εκ των πραγμάτων είναι αδύνατη προς το αναβατόριο γιατί αυτές τις οδηγίες είχε όμως ούτε την πιστοποιηση έχει για κάτι τέτοιο ούτε τις γνώσεις και σε περίπτωση ατυχήματος θα έφερε μέρος της ευθύνης. Μάλιστα μου είπε ότι το ξενοδοχείο στο παρελθόν έχει δεχτεί κάποια άτομα με αναπηρία Αλλά πάντα με συνοδό και τότε της είπα ότι υπάρχουμε και εμείς Πού είμαστε ενεργοί και αυτοεξυπηρετούμενοι. Προσπάθησε να επικοινωνήσει με την υπεύθυνη του ξενοδοχείου η οποία βρισκόταν σε άδεια και εναλλακτικά επικοινώνησε με την ιδιοκτήτρια του ξενοδοχείου και όταν μου έδωσε το τηλέφωνο για να μιλήσω μαζί της δέχτηκα επίπληξη με άσχημο τρόπο και τόνο από εκείνη η οποία στην ουσία με μάλωσε χωρίς να με αφήσει να αρθρώσω λέξη. Φυσικά δεν συνέχισα την επικοινωνία έφυγα από το ξενοδοχείο και βρήκα κάπου αλλού δωμάτιο παρότι λόγω της συγκεκριμένης ώρας η τιμή που βρήκα ήταν αρκετά μεγαλύτερη από αυτήν που θα έβρισκα την προηγούμενη μέρα Απαράδεκτες υποδομές ακκμα πιο Απαράδεκτη η συμπεριφορά της ιδιοκτήτριας του ξενοδοχείου Κανένας σεβασμός στην αναπηρία
4.5/5Excellent19 Reviews
Ioannina|0.07km from city center
Εξαιρετική επιλογή για διαμονή στο κέντρο των Ιωαννίνων από το οποίο μπορείς να περιηγηθείς σε πολλά σημεία ενδιαφέροντος της πόλης με τα πόδια. Luxury αλλά και ζεστό και προσιτό ταυτόχρονα. Υποδειγματική καθαριότητα τόσο στο δωμάτιο όσο και λοιπούς χώρους του ξενοδοχείου. Υπέροχο πρωινό που ανανεώνεται συνεχώς σε πολύ όμορφο χώρο. Μεγάλα κρεβάτια με καταπληκτικό στρώμα και μαξιλάρια και πολυ καλή ηχομόνωση. Στον τελευταίο όροφο λειτουργεί roof bar restaurant με υπέροχη θέα που, όμως, είναι λίγο πιο κάτω απο τις προσδοκίες που γεννά το επίπεδο της ποιότητας όλων των άλλων χώρων του ξενοδοχείου. Σίγουρα μία από τις top επίλογες για διαμονή στην πόλη των Ιωαννίνων
4.5/5Excellent8 Reviews
Ioannina|1.05km from city center
A stay at Frontzu Politia places you in the heart of Ioannina, within a 5-minute drive of Folklore Museum and Art Gallery of Epirus Studies. This hotel is 1.1 mi (1.8 km) from Gallery of Epirus Studies Society and 1.2 mi (1.9 km) from Zosimaia Library.Take in the views from a terrace and a garden and make use of amenities such as complimentary wireless internet access. This hotel also features concierge services, wedding services, and a fireplace in the lobby.Satisfy your appetite for lunch or dinner at the hotel's restaurant, or stay in and take advantage of the room service (during limited hours). Wrap up your day with a drink at the bar/lounge. Buffet breakfasts are available daily from 7:30 AM to 10 AM for a fee.Featured amenities include wired internet access (surcharge), luggage storage, and a safe deposit box at the front desk. Event facilities at this hotel consist of a conference center and meeting rooms.Make yourself at home in one of the 12 air-conditioned rooms featuring minibars and flat-screen televisions. Complimentary wired and wireless internet access keeps you connected, and satellite programming provides entertainment. Bathrooms feature showers, complimentary toiletries, and hair dryers. Conveniences include phones, as well as laptop-compatible safes and electric kettles.
3.7/545 Reviews
Ioannina|1.31km from city center
A stay at Akti Hotel Ioannina places you in the heart of Ioannina, within a 10-minute walk of Lake Pamvotis and Du Lac Convention Center. This hotel is 1.1 mi (1.8 km) from Averoff Museum and 1.2 mi (2 km) from Church of Agios Athanasios.Take in the views from a terrace and a garden and make use of amenities such as complimentary wireless internet access. Additional features at this hotel include a fireplace in the lobby and tour/ticket assistance.Satisfy your appetite at the hotel's coffee shop/cafe, or stay in and take advantage of the room service (during limited hours). Quench your thirst with your favorite drink at the bar/lounge.Featured amenities include express check-in, express check-out, and luggage storage. Free self parking is available onsite.Make yourself at home in one of the 11 air-conditioned rooms featuring LED televisions. Complimentary wireless internet access keeps you connected, and digital programming is available for your entertainment. Private bathrooms with showers feature complimentary toiletries and hair dryers. Conveniences include phones, as well as safes and complimentary bottled water.

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4.2/5Very Good19 Reviews
Ioannina|1.05km from city center
Hotel is located in not really interesting area, about 1km from the center. It is very loud area with frequent traffic that made it impossible for us to sleep with windows open. There is no parking around, so you need to find your own spot in streets around. Room was small, a bit too simple, but clean. Bathroom is outdated and it needs some love - especially shower curtains and toilet seat. AC in room is positioned directly above the bed, so it’s very hard to set it up to cool down the hot room with windows closed because of traffic noise, but not to have direct cold air current directed at your head. Breakfast was acceptable, mostly based on frozen pastry baked in oven. There is actually no kitchen, just one small room with ovens, fridge and sliding door hiding the only toilet in lobby/bar area. It was strange using the toilet while you feel the heat and smells from ovens just few feet away from you. Staff was friendly and helpful! If the hotel was 2 star place priced well below the price we payed for it, I wouldn’t write a review this harsh. But since I was expecting 4 star hotel, it was a disappointment.
3.9/57 Reviews
Ioannina|3.66km from city center
Situated next to the astonishing Perama Cave, Dovitel Boutique Hotel offers stylish accommodation with buffet breakfast and free private parking. Each room at Dovitel Boutique Hotel is individually designed and elegantly decorated. Guests can enjoy modern comforts and amenities, along with the beautiful natural surroundings of Perama. After starting the day with a delicious breakfast, guests can enjoy the many activities surrounding Dovitel Hotel. It is a great base for exploring the nearby mountain villages and ski resorts of Metsovo and Konitsa and guests can also arrange car rental through Dovitel. After exploring Perama Cave or a day on the slopes, guests can relax with a drink in Dovitel’s comfortable and modern lounge area.
4/5Very Good17 Reviews
Ioannina|0.37km from city center
It was a desperate experience, I had the impression that 23 years ago I had gone before, and then everything was new and nice in the rooms, and I thought it would be renovated, but disappointment. Though it was still warm in the autumn and in the evening if you closed the window in a square room, you were to dig, opening when there were no wheat, except old strawberries and old rolls, the mosquitoes immediately ate you to the best. Not to say that right underneath is the center's basins, so you didn't know what else but spiders, crows, mice, bats would finally come into the room while you were sleeping. The AC made it like a broken boat, you were afraid of maintaining it, and it didn't let you sleep, the beds from the 80s, and these were twisting, the closets were incredibly old. A refrigerator with a wooden door, like a closet, with broken paddles, a bathroom with a square and a dirty curtain, which you couldn't even go to the bath without touching you. You didn't even want to wash, because you felt in this square that you'd get dirty somehow. Really two annoying hours of sleep, I went to a center to have a market and a taxi nearby and finally this morning I left for a suburb with all the transport costs, without careing how mentally wronged I was. The positive is that the elevators, receptions and intermediate spaces seem decent and the staff is very kind.
4.5/5Excellent3 Reviews
Ioannina|3.42km from city center
Μείναμε στο ξενοδοχείο αυτό για 2η φορά,βρίσκεται σε μία ήσυχη περιοχή στο Πέραμα Ιωαννίνων ,μακρυά από τον θόρυβο της πόλης,υπάρχει καλός χώρος για πάρκινγκ.Τα δωμάτια σίγουρα δεν είναι κάτι το ιδιαίτερο,είναι όμως ζεστά τον χειμώνα και δροσερά το καλοκαίρι,η καθαριότητα και η ευρυχωρία είναι κάτι που τα χαρακτηρίζει .Οι υπεύθυνοι του καταλύματος ευγενικοί και εξυπηρετικοί.Οι τιμές θεωρώ πως είναι μια χαρά.Μια μικρή παρατήρηση ίσως η ντουζιέρα με την κλασσική κουρτίνα μπάνιου καλό θα ήταν να αντικατασταθεί από ενα πλαστικό τζάμι.Θα έμενα ξανά.
4.9/5Perfect41 Reviews
Ioannina|0.79km from city center
A fantastic hotel in the heart of the town. This boutique hotel has been well designed, with all aspects being finished to a high standard and with a modern design, whilst still feeling cosy and luxurious. The staff are very friendly and helpful. We stayed in 1 of the 2 loft suites. It was comfortable, spacious and relaxing. The breakfast, which for us was €10 pppd extra, was excellent. Coffee, bread and pastries, eggs, yoghurt, fruit, juice, all served to your table inside or outside. I cant recommend this hotel enough. Perfect for a couple or a small family.

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