Young Theatre Organist of the Year | The Musical Museum

Young Theatre Organist of the Year | The Musical Museum

Aug 4, 2024 (UTC+0)
The Musical Museum


Attention all young organists! The Musical Museum in Brentford is proud to host the prestigious Young Theatre Organist of the Year competition, organized by the American Theatre Organ Society (ATOS). This event offers a rare chance for young theatre organ enthusiasts nationwide to gather, share their passion, and witness emerging talents in action. The competition aims to inspire and promote young musicians dedicated to mastering the theatre organ, providing them with valuable exposure and recognition to further their careers. Noteworthy past winners, including the esteemed Richard Hills, have graced this competition. This year, the event will be led by the accomplished former YTOY winner, Tom Horton, who has excelled as an online tutor and in various musical endeavors. The competition is set for 2.30pm on Sunday, August 4, 2024, at The Musical Museum. Rehearsal sessions will be arranged the day before to ensure all participants are prepared. Each entrant will receive two complimentary adult admission tickets, while children enjoy free entry. Secure your seat for this extraordinary showcase of young talent.

Provided by Dinesha|Published Jul 1, 2024


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