Saturday Art Workshop: Hand Block Printing on Mirrored Glass | Millennium Gallery

Saturday Art Workshop: Hand Block Printing on Mirrored Glass | Millennium Gallery

Dec 9, 2023 (UTC+0)
Millennium Gallery


Join artist and designer Josephine Gomersall at the Millennium Gallery in Sheffield for the Saturday Art Workshop: Hand Block Printing on Mirrored Glass. This unique workshop, taking inspiration from the Pioneers: John Ruskin, William Morris and the Bauhaus exhibition, will guide participants step by step in creating their own printing blocks to hand-print one-of-a-kind designs on a glass wall mirror. During the workshop, participants will have the opportunity to explore the exhibition and gather inspiration from the designs and objects on display. The morning will be dedicated to preparing the design, including drawing, sketching, and experimenting with layouts and compositions. Josephine Gomersall will teach the necessary skills to create either a square tile design for repeating patterns or individual hand cut stamps for placement prints. Afterwards, participants will cut their own unique printing blocks, which will be used to print the designs onto the glass mirror. This surface printing process creates beautiful and distinctive textures as the block is removed. At the end of the workshop, participants will not only leave with the skills to produce block printing designs but also with a stunning decorative wall mirror to enhance their homes or give as a gift. This workshop is suitable for adults and the minimum age requirement is 16 years old. All materials will be provided, but participants may choose to bring their own sketchbook and inspirational materials. Don't miss this opportunity to learn from experienced artist Josephine Gomersall and explore the world of hand block printing on mirrored glass. Book your place for the Saturday Art Workshop now. Please note that this workshop is one of many events accompanying the Pioneers: John Ruskin, William Morris and the Bauhaus exhibition, which will be on display at the Millennium Gallery until January 21, 2024.

Provided by arevik|Published Mar 25, 2024


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