Memorial Paws: Healing through Art | MoonStone Art Studio

Memorial Paws: Healing through Art | MoonStone Art Studio

Apr 20, 2024 (UTC-5)
MoonStone Art Studio


Join Memorial Paws: Healing through Art for a unique workshop in Warwick at MoonStone Art Studio, led by Christine and Veronica. Christine, an expert from Moonstone Art Studios, will guide participants through a healing meditation and art session. Veronica, from Beyond Infinity, RI, brings her expertise as a Reiki Level two practitioner and Integrated Energy Therapy (IET) practitioner. The session will commence with reiki chakra clearing and a meditation to initiate the healing process. Participants will then create a memorial painting to express their emotions. Following the art session, there will be an open discussion on coping mechanisms for pet loss. This safe space encourages sharing experiences and supporting one another through grief. Through art and dialogue, attendees will honor their pets' memory and find solace. The event is scheduled for Saturday, April 20th, 2024, from 6 to 8 PM, with tickets priced at $45. Submit photos to by Thursday, April 18th, 7 PM. Guests are encouraged to bring food and a journal for post-discussion reflection.

Provided by Tab|Published Apr 21, 2024


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