The Top 10 Spots in The US for Tequila Buffs

Nov 12, 2019


  • 1. Tommy’s Mexican Restaurant
  • 2. Mayahuel
  • 3. Masa Azul
  • 4. El carmen
  • 5. Barrio
  • 6. Cantina Dos Segundos
  • 7.La condesa
  • 8. The Pastry War
  • 9. La Biblioteca
  • 10. Sweet Liberty
  • Show More

The top three places where you would most probably find the love of tequila is , one inside a chilled rimmed glass of margarita, second inside a piping and enticing shot glass and third as a T-shirt fodder for those pre teens exploring alcohol.Well one must note that Tequila is most definitely not just a T-shirt fodder, the drink that has kept many lovers company and many party animals through sleepless nights, tequila is fit for consumption for all kinds of occasions, whether its your wedding or your breakup, pop open a bottle of tequila and do yourselves a favour and make a great cocktail out of it. America is thriving on tequila supply, and it isn’t fair to say that all the fun is for the latin americans. When people can cross borders why can’t mezcal and tequila do the same. A hit in every household ( the ones who drink), tequila may bond relationships and may even cause some to break, but we can never have too much of tequila. America seems to be seeing a rampant increase in margarita consumers, whether its a lady’s luncheon or a boss’s happy hour, mimosa’s and beers are seem to be exchanged for a tipped glass of margarita. Lets look at some of the top tequila bars for such tequila lovers in the united states.

If you are in San Francisco and you are into beverages you just don't want to miss the incredible Tommy's Mexican Restaurant. Julio Bermejo who has been jovially declared - "The ambassador of tequila to the US" and his wonderful team awaits you with over three hundred and twenty five agave tequila’s that will make your world spin. Established in 1965 by Julio Bermejo's parents, Tommy’s Mexican restaurant is now one among the top 50 bars in the world. Their signature drink, "Tommy’s margarita” is undoubtedly one of the best tequila drinks to have ever existed amongst such tempting menu’s. Tequila, fresh lime juice and agave nectar- A mixture so heavenly, when served into a chilled rimmed glass with the magical touch of Tommy's family, it’s bound to break the glass ceiling. With the advent of the special “Tommy’s Margarita” in the 1990’s, it has been a best seller among the customers in their restaurant as well as restaurants and bars around the world serving this recipe, however, as we all know it's always a touch better when it comes from the original source.

With a series of dishes lined up with Tommy's margarita, the delicious and scrumptious enchiladas and tacos at Tommy’s are second to none. Dishes like Carne Asada and Cheese Enchiladas will melt in mouths but will surely make your hearts melt as well. Along with a delectable menu and a never ending tequila session at Tommy’s Mexican Restaurant, Mr.Julio is usually very happy to provide his customers with some amazing knowledge about tequilas. If you are a true tequila buff, then you can’t miss these amazing margaritas and belly aching alcoholic beverages. Go hop in at Tommy’s situated on 5929 Geary Vlvd, San Francisco, California .

The Top 10 Spots in The US for Tequila Buffs

The Mexican restaurant that will leave its customers on the highest and happiest floors of their life, Mayahuel situated in, Sacramento is famous for almost everything they offer. Food, tequila, music, customer service, and ambience you name it. Mayahuel does anything and everything to comfort their customers. At Mayahuel you get to chose from 60 plus tequila brands and wide verities of artistic cocktails, all in the presence of mixologists who know their business at the back of their hands.It doesn't matter what taste you have acquired or what you’re common favourites are, here at Mayaheul, the menu is suited to a variety of tastes and picking an adventurous drink has never made bad memories. One of the top selling tequila cocktails Of Mayaheul is -The black star -which is a blend of fresh ginger juice seeping into white sugar with tequila of the highest quality. There are many other refreshing cocktails that will keep you on cloud 9 at this special Mexican restaurant. These drinks are nothing but excellence in alcoholic statures, some of these like the Rosa amargo, Green gloves, Piedra etc are among the top rated tequila cocktails that have made the customers here at Mayaheul addicted to its taste. The absolute charming knowledge of mixologists and the whisk of time at the bar at Mayaheul is an exceptional experience. Mayahuel is one place you cannot take out from the list of best bars in America, an ambience that caters to all your needs, wants and desires. This is a place that will leave you wanting more.

This classic Mexican bar and restaurant is definitely one of the best tequila bars in America. Nestled In the lap of the architectural city of Chicago; Masa Azul serves more than 50 brands of tequilas , both the variety and the taste of which will leave your head spinning (in a good way). A memorable night at Chicago with the company of some refreshing agave cocktails and amazing food is what Masa Azul promises, delivering on its word , this destination of tequila lovers has some of the most amazing cocktails to serve along with palatable and scrumptious choices of cuisines. The Oxacan old-fashioned of Masa Azul has etched its name in hearts of people who have had a merry time at Maza Asul with this heavenly Agave cocktail. The place keeps getting better and better, what’s not to like in crunchy and cheesy tacos and mezcal flights. A heaven in the food scene of Chicago, Masa Azul is definitely one of the best bars in America. Their Shrimp Tortillas and Guacamole are some of the customer favourites that you must order over a chilled margarita or as mentioned above, The Oxacan Old Fashioned. If you are a tequila fan or foodie it’s undoubted that that you will be extremely satisfied. With so many choices to choose from, while sitting in the beautiful and cozy ambiance, Masa Azul will give you a delightful experience that you may never forget. With your engines raving and a hearty appetite waiting to be fulfilled , visit Masa Azul at 2901 W Diversey Avenue, Chicago, United States.

The Top 10 Spots in The US for Tequila Buffs

The most fascinating thing about El Carmen is its ambiance and even more amazing is the “drinks” menu waiting to be explored. With the walls filled with posters of old school Mexican wrestlers and classic movies accompanied by the background humming of the soft music spread all around, El Carmen is a place to revisit kindling romances with tequila. With over 100 brands of tequilas displayed on the shelves and various refreshing cocktail options that will keep you from sipping water, they make sure their customers get much more than just the ambiance. The tempting tequilas are what hungry customers want just before starting their appetising meals, and what better way to start the evening that with a Spicy margarita, one of their finest; The El Carmen's spicy margarita has the ability to excite people and entice unknown realms of human pleasure. With the guacamole and tequila shrimp walking its way the top of the list, their food menu keeps you engrossed while drooling as well. Perfection at par is what El Carmen serves, whether its their refreshing drinks or their zesty flavourful food, you are bound to be amazed by one of the best bars in America. If you are a fan of vintage bars that stem a seed of nostalgia, visiting El Carmen in the LA should make it into your bucket list.

Barrio, a renowned Mexican bar from Minneapolis city is another fantastic tequila spot in the United States that is a totally worth every cent of your money. At Barrio you will be served with lots of authentic Latin American dishes, however what entices its loyal customers is its ability to produce a variety of over a 100 plus brands of tequila. Margaritas along with groovy music and soft shelled tacos filled with fresh and crunchy lettuce is what makes Barrio a place to be reckoned with. Not just amazing food but mind blowing cocktails, there is no such thing as “too many” in Barrio.

With the dark wooded interior and the beautiful mellow yellow lights, it’s quite a soothing place to spend the night with some loved ones over chilled margaritas and some promising enchiladas. Barrio also prides itself with serving food that always satisfies the appetite as well as the soul and the heart; they provide their customers with all of the finest Latin American dishes with unique interpretations of each. What gets better is their affordable dinner packs that will leave you wanting more- the famous $10 dinner guarantees satisfaction like no other. Belive in what I said or go check it out yourself.

The tequila flights are one of the biggest attractions of this Latin American tequila hub, You must be willing and your spirit must break all glass ceilings to participate in such a fight. Barrio makes history not mockery. As a whole package Barrio easily fits into the category of one of the finest and best bars in America to serve the delectable tequila that has won so many hearts all over the world.

The best tequila bar in the city of Philadelphia, Cantina Dos Segundos is next on our list. This Mexican restaurant hits the bull’s eye when it comes to serving some of the best authentic Mexican delicacies. They are famous all over Philly for their special homemade chips that make any grumpy customer as jovial as never before. Along with the jabber about food, Cantina Dos Segundos is a twist of cocktail hub that can always be vouched upon for unflinchingly great tequila cocktails. Some of the very best include, The sweetheart margarita, the perfect balance of pomegranate juice flushing into some great tequila, the sweetheart margarita is a drink to toast to. Talking about food what puts Cantina Dos Segundos one step ahead is the amount of amazing vegan options they have to offer, with some great mind taking care of your health with some of their delicious vegan delicacies. Located in a cosy corner at 931 N 2nd street in Philadelphia, you can drink away your sorrows or celebrate great promotion over a glass of tequila at Cantina Dos Segundos anytime between 11 AM to 2AM.

The Top 10 Spots in The US for Tequila Buffs

La condesa is one such destination to stop by, if you are looking to spend a chaotic yet relieving night at a great bar restaurant in the city of Austin. Once you enter the place you could have a choice to make from above 80 brands of fine tequila and some very rare cocktails. La Condesa truly make you experience what good tequila does to you. With certain heavenly cocktails like spicy paloma, which is worth every penny, their options are quite fantastic. The wood crafted interior with the touch of creaks and beautifully planted lighting are more than enough to give you an amazing aesthetic experience to relive again and again. A great place to chill with your best buddies or take your girls out for a wild Wednesday, La Condesa tries to fit in with your every desire. With a never ending list of tequila and mezcal, La condos is seemingly a tequila paradise for the many that visit this tequila hub.

The Top 10 Spots in The US for Tequila Buffs

The name as you might have guessed is all about the first French intervention in Mexico in 1830s. The pastry war restaurant in Houston by the way is a peaceful place and one among the best bars in the United States, most commonly known for its affluent variety of tequila. It’s in the list for many reasons such as the quality of their tequilas and mezcals that will leave you quite enticed by the end of this description. You get to enjoy and experience the flavor, the intensity and the buzzing connections of cocktails along with a groovy ambience. Their colourful lightings and vibrant decorations add to the rather quirky setting of the place. With a self entitled private bar sitting, this place has enough space to accommodate all types of tequila lovers. It doesn't end here, sipping that chilled mezcal over a competitive and rather gripping game of billiards never gets old. The pastry war saves a hole in your pockets and at the same time leaves you absolutely content and satisfies your every whim.

The Top 10 Spots in The US for Tequila Buffs

Originally La Biblioteca means the library in Spanish and it does dawn its outfit pretty well, except there’s a tipsy twist to it, it's pretty much a library of premium tequilas instead. La Biblioteca is in the city of New York and what better place than to lay your worries aside and drink tequila in the big apple. La Biblioteca takes great pleasure in making your experience as comfortable and exciting as possible, with occasional musical nights and some tid bits of great groovy numbers, La Biblioteca is a great place to let loose with your ever so satisfying tequila cocktails. The Zengo Margarita and Perfect paloma are outstanding examples of tequila cocktails you get to enjoy at La Biblioteca. With such great drinks over a night, the dull menu doesn’t look as dull after a few drinks of their breath taking, quite literally, mezcal. Situated on 622 3rd Ave, New York, La Biblioteca wishes to attract more tequila buffs from all around the world. Quite literally one of the best bars in America, you can not miss out on La Biblioteca.

The Top 10 Spots in The US for Tequila Buffs

You will find the next bar in our list at the famous white sand Mimi Beach in Florida. Sweet Liberty redefines tequila cocktails and food alchemy in a way that has never been done before. Situated in the prime location of Mimi beach , Sweet Liberty takes all its liberty to show the people of the world what real tequila cocktails and mezcal can look and taste like. An unbeatable venture and undoubtedly one of the best bars in the United States, Sweet Liberty promises you paradise. If you are anywhere close to Miami, make sure you checkout this beautiful restaurant and it's a 100% sure that you will fall in love with this place. Along with such descriptive beverages, the food at Sweet Liberty is clearly nectar to the ears, among the most famous dishes are like the Oyster Sweet Liberty, and when it comes to drinks you can try almost anything and walk out extremely satisfied. The comparatively less expensive nature of this extremely expensive experience is another highlight of this restaurant.

Whether it's Texas or Minneapolis, Tequila never disappoints. These bars are among one of the best in the United States. You must visit each and every one of these amazing tequila hubs, these will leave you absolutely satisfied. The United States of America is so adept in mixology and with the advent of such great bars with an even more amazing food options, America has become a great attraction for tourist from all over the world. These bars cum restaurants are the newest attractions for locals and tourist alike and keeps a jovial vibe alive. With the average Americans new found desire for tequila, these bars around the United States have made quite a name for themselves.

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